Project information

According to the county-wide spatial plan established in 2017 for the maritime area bordering Pärnu County, areas in the Gulf of Riga are defined wherein offshore wind farms can be built. The building permit application submitted by Utilitas in 2021, met the conditions of the plan, and the Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision Agency (TTJA) initiated the building permit procedure at the end of the year. 

The object of the superficies licence is the production of electricity and/or hydrogen through offshore wind power plant facilities. The capacity, number, and height of the wind turbines will be determined in the course of the superficies licence procedure, including the environmental impact assessment (hereinafter EIA) and depends on the nature protection, technical, and national defence restrictions as well as economic factors. 

According to the technical conditions issued by the grid company, the first stage of development includes the erection of approximately 80 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1,200 MW, with an expected annual electricity production of over 5 TWh. 


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

The most common manufacturers of offshore wind turbines in the world are currently SiemensGamesa, Vestas, and GE Renewable Energy. These are the only manufacturers of offshore wind turbines that meet the requirements established in Europe and are certified accordingly. 

The output of the planned offshore wind turbies offered:

  • Vestas V236-15.0 MW™, with a rotor diameter of 236 meters, a peak height of 270 m, and a power of 15 MW, 
  • SiemensGamesa SG 14-236 DD, with a rotor diameter of 236 meters, a peak height of 270 meters, and a power of 14 MW, 
  • GE Haliade-X 14 MW, with a rotor diameter of 220 meters, a peak height of 270 meters, and a power of 14 MW. 

In recent years, wind turbine technology has developed by leaps and bounds and, as a result, we expect that more powerful and efficient wind turbines will be available on the market by the time the planned offshore wind farm is built. The actual number, model, and placement of the wind turbines will be determined during the superficies licence procedure, including the EIA and the preparation of the work project. 

Different types of foundations are used in the construction of offshore wind turbines. The most common are monopile and gravity foundations, so tripod and jacket foundations are somewhat less commonly used. 

In order to operate the offshore wind farm and transmit the produced electricity to the power grid, it is inevitable to establish a system of submarine cables and a connection to the main grid. 

The approximate length of the planned submarine cable is about 25 km, and the width of its sea corridor is estimated to be 6 m to 20 m wide. We see the existing Kihnu sea cable landing point as a potential landing point for the submarine cable of the wind farm. In addition, at least one substation will be built in the offshore wind farm, where the power cables from the wind turbines will run and the voltage will be converted to a voltage level suitable for connecting to the electricity grid. 

Onshore it is planned to connect the offshore wind farm to the Estonian main grid through the Harku-Lihula-Sindi 330 kV line via the nearest substation. We have submitted the request for design provisions for the construction of cable routes to the city of Pärnu, mainly in the protection zone of existing power lines. In the course of the design provisions procedure, we cooperate with landowners, authorities, local government, and network companies. 

With Order No. 1-1/17/152, the county-wide spatial plan was established for the maritime area bordering Pärnu County, which defines the potential development area of wind energy.
On the basis of Utilitas' request, the TTJA (Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority) initiated the superficies licence procedure for the construction of an offshore wind farm in the sea area of Pärnu County in the Gulf of Riga, decision No. 1-7/21-521.
As part of the superficies licence procedure, both the environmental impact assessment and other necessary research are carried out. At the same time, the detailed technical and financial preparation of the project is on-going.
The design and construction of the wind farm
Completion of the first stage of the wind farm and transmission of electricity in the capacity corresponding to the connections.

The nearest wind turbines are located: 

  • From Kihnu island – more than 10 km 
  • From the coast in Tõstamaa and Lääneranna – more than 20 km 
  • From the coast in Häädemeeste – more than 40 km 
  • From the coast in Saaremaa – more than 30 km 
  • From the city beach in Pärnu – more than 50 km 
  • From Ruhnu island – more than 20 km